
to code

one bit of r code for using data on this page:

# define the url of the csv file (right click on desired file to obtain link address)
file_url <- “”

# use read.csv() to import the csv file directly into r
df_nscg21 <- read.csv(file_url)

# save to your own computer or server

nscg | national survey of college graduates

nscg_raw.html | all public microdata files

nscg21.csv | the nscg microdata files are build in sas format. this file is just a conversion to csv

nscg_13-15.csv | while writing my dissertation – mostly 2018/19 – the public nscg data had a reference id variable (refid) creating a two-year panel for those in the 2013 and 2015 cohorts. refid has sense been removed in the public use data; luckily i downloaded it and it is preserved here and can be used for panel/fixed effects and other longitudinal models. great for looking at transitions in jobs, education, marital status, etc.